Stop feeling overworked and underappreciated, and start attracting the clients who will value your insight and finally pay what you’re really worth… Join me in this mini-course (now with a 1:1 coaching component!) about
Authentic & Fair Pricing
How to Work with Fun, Higher Quality Clients who Happily Spend their Hard-earned Money with you
Does this sound familiar?
- You sometimes find yourself working with clients you don’t love (nothing makes the work day longer)
- You feel that you're settling for less than your ideal income (because the bills still have to be paid)
- You feel burnt out because you are running in a hamster wheel in order to pay the bills
- You quite honestly feel a bit frustrated with all the giving and if you have to do another free consultation that turns into nothing you might just call it quits
It's very likely that your rates don't match with your business goals, making it virtually impossible to achieve that business of your dreams. The one that gives you the freedom to be creative, help others, and take care of yourself at the same time.
Us service-based, empathic and heart-centered entrepreneurs come into business with money-related mental blocks and we set our prices too low to make a decent living. Been there, done that (and written a chapter in my book about it ;-)
The good news is that you really can have it all.
- Clients you love
- A healthy bank account
- A business that makes every day an adventure
But if you keep doing what you’ve always done…well, you know how that goes, right? It’s time to make a change.
So you're right, it’s time to take a hard look at
- the kinds of clients you’re attracting (and why)
- take steps to get noticed (and hired) by people who will value your worth—and are wiling to pay for your expertise—
- set prices based on your 'enoughness'
- Saying goodbye to hourly rates and instead put together packages based on the value you provide
- and create the business you dreamed of when you were first starting out.
The Authentic & Fair Pricing Mini-Course
With the help of the Authentic & Fair Pricing mini-course, now with a 1:1 Coaching component, we'll work together to figure out your livable and feel-good income and the prices you need to charge to reach it.
You'll start out by watching the video course and work on the 18-page assignment workbook. This content will prepare you for our 1:1 conversation and help you reflect on your ideal clients and how you attract more of them through better free consultations as well as to bundle your time into packages that reflect the value you bring.
Content of the videos:
- 7 factors that make up your ideal client—miss any of these, and you’ll be left with a customer base that, well, you don’t love working with.
- How to turn your thinking around to find out what really matters to you.
- Why all this self-discovery is critical to your new, higher standards—the answer might surprise you.
- Improve your free consultations intake form to stop bad clients at the door—without ever even meeting them!
- How to position those one-on-one sessions as a “service” to your clients.
- Ways you can ensure your potential clients can afford your new rates—no more freebie seekers!
- Practice the wrap-up part of the free sessions by focusing on serving, not selling
- Having fair pricing options available, fair for you and fair for your client
- What to do if the client is not interested or not a good fit
- 4 ways to leverage your time better—do just one of these and your income will grow, even as you work fewer hours.
- 2 fantastic income-boosting opportunities top coaches use—and you can, too!
- How to be accessible without working yourself into the ground.
- The art of bundling—and how to give huge value without sacrificing more of your time.
- 3 value-boosting programs your clients will love—and that they’ll happily pay a premium for.
When you're ready, we book our 1:1 time together.
In this 90-Minute 1:1 COACHING SESSION we will:
- Answer any questions you have regarding the video course and assignment workbook
- Discuss the pricing of one of your offers that you've worked on in your assignment
- Finalize the bundle/package that helps you sell more than your time
- Come up with a plan to increase your prices and start selling your new package
What's included:
- 2 video lessons (2 x 20 minutes) with your host unpacking the 2 modules of this mini-course
- 18-page assignment workbook. This expertly designed guide gives you questions, exercises and practices to prompt self-discovery and “a-ha moments” that open the possibilities for your business.
- 90-Minute 1:1 Coaching Session with me, strategizing and coming up with a fair & authentic price for your offering
- Bonus 1: Discovery Session Landing Page Template that helps you compose a free consultation/strategy session landing page that repels the wrong clients—and attracts the right ones
- Bonus 2: Action-Plan to put together a bundle for your ideal client, giving it an identity and positioning it as a complete system
The Authentic Pricing Mini-Course is for you if:
- You are a coach or other service provider
- You offer a free consultation to potential clients and would like to increase the conversion rates of those
- You sometimes feel overworked and underappreciated
- You'd like to learn how to sell more than your one-on-one time
Investment: $375
I can't wait for you to finally work with fun, higher quality clients who happily spend their hard earned money with you !
I can’t promise that you’ll make a million dollars or get on Oprah, but I can promise you this: you will build a business you love again and enjoy each and every client you spend your time with - all while feeling appreciated and valued.