Are you looking for clients but don't want to use pushy marketing ?

Do you often feel overwhelmed by all the marketing 'shoulds'?

Then keep reading to find out more about

Marketing Like We're Human aka-
'The Client Resonator'

A radical online marketing program for quietly rebellious entrepreneurs to get new clients with integrity & kindness.

A new live cohort starts on January 30th 2025!

🔔 Lower price for a more condensed program! 🔔














Marketing Like We're Human aka -
'The Client Resonator' will teach you how to...

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Without using pushy marketing techniques.

Is this for you?

Let’s find out.

Do any of these situations describe where you are in business?  

1️⃣ You’re just starting out and are excited to share your natural gifts with the world. But the minute you think about marketing & having to sell your services you feel nervous, anxious and maybe shy. You don’t want to be perceived as pushy & salesy, and yet you’re thinking that’s probably what’s needed to have a successful business. You are looking for a way to get clients that doesn’t feel like you have to sell your soul.

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2️⃣ Or - you’ve been in business for a while, but it still feels like a rollercoaster ride most of the time. You never know whether you’ll get enough clients this month (or any) and are just really tired of selling all the time. You are looking for a different way to grow your business with integrity & heart so that you can pay your bills, but also because you know that you have a natural gift that the world really needs right now. 

3️⃣ Or - maybe other people would probably describe you as successful, maybe you’ve hit six-figures. But you feel drained and stuck, like the next level is out of reach… and you’re not even sure if it’s worth reaching. You are looking for more simplicity, more joy & ease.

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No matter which category fits you best, you are looking for more clients - but without resorting to icky marketing.

Marketing Like We're Human aka
'The Client Resonator' is for:


  • Deep-Thinkers who truly care about the solutions they offer and the results they get for clients
  • Humans who are Changemakers before they are marketers
  • Humans who are natural talents, but not natural marketers, but are willing to learn to serve more people
  • Coaches (Business, Marketing, Life, Health and more)
  • Therapists, practitioners and healers
  • Yoga teachers & other Bodyworkers
  • Any other heart-centered and service-based entrepreneurs
  • Introverts, Shy and Highly Sensitive People who have always disliked pushy marketing
Want to find out how much it costs, before you read any further? ;-) CLICK HERE - but then take the elevator back up, ok?

Here's how The Client Resonator is very different : 

🔆 It takes you into account, and helps you figure out who you really are so that you can grow your business your way!

🔆 This is the only program of its kind, as far as I know, that is focused on marketing your business with ethical practices, without using six-figure hype, manipulative techniques or other sleazy sales strategies.

🔆 It's more than a program. By participating you become part of the Humane Marketing Revolution!

Common challenges you
might be experiencing: 

… Finding it very hard to sell your services (or products) and asking for what you're worth. (or even knowing your worth)

... being visible on Social Media because you really just don't know what to say (or don't even want to be on it!)


... Still not being a 100% sure about your ideal client or your niche and feeling stuck because of it.


… Feeling overwhelmed with all the marketing shoulds and not knowing what to focus on.


... Not marketing your business at all because all the techniques you've come across so far feel sleazy, pushy and manipulative. 

Over the past decade I have watched and experienced myself how people like us
are struggling
with the above situations. 

I made it my mission to support heart-centered entrepreneurs like you and
show you that there is another way to market your business. 

You are in business to share your gifts with the world.

I created this program to be the compass you need on your journey!


... The Freedom & Pleasure of Being Authentically You: You show up as your true self in your marketing, not some prescribed version of who you should be in order to get customers. No more masks!


… Doing Good AND Getting Paid:  You have a thriving business that feels great and makes money.


… Being a recognized expert: Your increased visibility has positioned you as a quiet influencer and you get invited to summits, podcasts and other beautiful collaborations.


… Doing the right thing:  Your integrity is everything. And your clients love you for that and seek you out because they trust you to always tell them the truth.


… Contributing to making this world a better place:  You’re growing a business that financially supports you, helps others, and makes an impact in this world. 

 I'm here to say it's possible! 
You don't have to sell your soul to market your business online!

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I'm bringing More of Me to my marketing! 

"I know marketing is a MUST for any business to succeed and survive. I have read, watched and participated in various programs in the past yet many seemed to come from fear or scarcity place which didn’t feel in alignment with who I am or what I wanted to present to potential customers. So I was inconsistent in my marketing promoting and messaging. In this program I learned that it's ok to be more myself and that marketing doesn’t need to be a scare tactic  to get customers." 

- Nicole Burgess-Women’s Leadership Coach

Sarah’s approach to marketing has given me the courage and confidence to shine.

When I first met Sarah and joined her lovely program years ago, I had studied marketing for years on my own. Something was missing and Sarah provided the "necessary unexpected." Slowly but surely, I gained more confidence to put the “true me” out there. It took a few more years of trial and error learning and exploring, but I’m happy to say that the promise she shared with me in her program has borne fruit. I just published a website I love with programs that are meaningful and joyous to me.  I highly recommend her program. Thank you Sarah!"

Jen Freeman, Business and Life Transformation Strategist

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I'm now truly claiming my power and claiming my impact

I feel confident. I feel like I’m myself. My business is me. I’m claiming my power and my impact. And that silences everything else and makes me very focused.

When I think about my ideal client It’s no longer theoretical . It’s very specific based on who I am and why I’m doing this work and who they are.

>> Click here to read and watch Aimee's full case study

Aimee Giles, Executive & Leadership Coach 

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Stepping into Visibility: How I Realized My Worthiness of Being Seen

Throughout the program, I experienced a beautiful journey of growth and self-discovery. The program's structure and rhythm were well-designed, not overwhelming, and provided the right balance of challenge and support. What stood out to me the most was Sarah's availability and unwavering belief in my potential. This support instilled in me a deep sense of worth and made me believe in the value of my own voice and visibility.

As a result of the program, I have undergone a significant transformation. I now exude more confidence, assertiveness, and passion in my business. My increased visibility has attracted new opportunities and clients who resonate with my authentic approach. The program has empowered me to overcome moments of fear and doubt, allowing me to bridge the gaps and move forward with joy and motivation. 

>> Click here to read and watch Catarina's full case study

Catarina Strickler, Masseuse & Energy Worker

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I'm seeing more of myself in the business, seeing more of what it could be, seeing more possibility.

“This program is not just an investment in your business, but in yourself. It’s a journey of self-discovery and transformation that’s worth every moment. I highly recommend it. Thank you very much.”

- Paulo Chikoti-Bandua, Creative Director

>> Click here to read and watch Paulo's full case study

Who Am I and Why This Program?

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Hi there, I'm Sarah Santacroce.

I founded my first Online Business in 2007 and have grown up in this Online Marketing World.
I have taken countless marketing programs myself and therefore know what’s available to entrepreneurs. The majority of these programs sell a cookie-cutter approach, based on the founder’s success recipe. I have followed the evolution of Online Marketing and I’m sure that the current Marketing Paradigm contributes to an ever increasing level of anxiety on a global level.

In 2018 (yes, it took me a while!!) I came to realize that I no longer wanted to follow everyone else’s model – EVEN IF it worked to some extent. Yes, it helped me hit the famous six figures, but it also left me drained and unfulfilled. I was ready to take the risk and give myself permission to do business and marketing my way – EVEN IF that meant that I’d fail the first few times.

In the past 16 years I have talked to hundreds of entrepreneurs and 90% of them mention that marketing makes them anxious. And it’s not only their own marketing activities. It’s also the use of fear, urgency & manipulation in everyone else’s marketing that we are exposed to that make us feel less than and anxious. 

Today I see it as my mission to help heart-centered entrepreneurs like you to be gentle, authentic AND successful in your marketing and business.  And therefore not only create sustainability for yourself, but also contribute to make this world a better place by reducing the global level of anxiety and fear.

And yes, I consider myself successful. I can say that in all humility, because I no longer measure success by the number of LinkedIn connections, views or the number of zeros in my revenue. I measure it in impact and the difference I have made over the years with my one-on-one clients, online courses, The Humane Marketing podcast and more recently with 'Marketing Like We're Human' book.

When I've finally taken off the mask and stopped following all the marketing guru's advice, I found joy and ease! And I fell in love with marketing all over again! And that's what I want for you too! Helping you find those marketing activities that are aligned with your values, with your worldview and your unique Marketing Super Power.

I spent all of 2019 co-creating this program with three beta groups, improving it each time. I listened to what heart-centered entrepreneurs like you wanted and created a different kind of marketing program, one that focuses on the BEING just as much as it does on the DOING. One that's not prescriptive, but helps you find a way to market your business that feels good to YOU!

This is my vision for the future:

  • A world where joy, empathy, and kindness are the currency
  • A world where marketing fosters a sense of belonging, not isolation
  • A world that focuses on the human(e) connection (while using modern technology)
  • A world where entrepreneurs who use ethical marketing are the ones that not only make the biggest impact but also make the most money 

I created this program to support this vision and help you achieve success in your business, however YOU define that! And I'm committed to constantly improving it to make it the best marketing program for heart-centered entrepreneurs. It is my life's mission!

What is Marketing Like We're Human aka 'The Client Resonator'?

Get ready for a whole new approach!

It is a virtual training program with a community component revealing an unconventional approach to marketing so you can grow a successful business by showing up as your true self. You get real results (new clients that resonate with you) while enjoying the process.

The Client Resonator helps you grow your business with ethical & authentic marketing practices, authentic ways to be present on Social Media (or not!), without using manipulation, six-figure hype & fear to lure people in. With this approach you'll also create a more meaningful life as a conscious marketer – and make the world a better place.


To experience the Marketing Like We're Human Program in Action, click here.


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Everything is connected to me - even my marketing!

"Sarah's program helped me let to go of all the ‘shoulds’ and just focus on the marketing strategies that work for me, the ones I feel comfortable with. I gained clarity on how everything I do in my business is always connected to my purpose and to who I am. I want to work with the people who want to work with Whit to learn and make a real difference in their organizations!"  

- Whit Raymond, Executive Coach

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I have become an official entrepreneur and business owner.  I have taken ownership of these titles and really feel empowered

The program has completely changed how I create. So whether it’s a Facebook post, my bio or a blog article, it feels like it’s coming much more from my center, from me. It’s so much easier to just kind of sink in, get connected and then start creating my copy from that place – and it feels so much better.

If the way you are currently marketing your business is not working for you, it’s most likely because you are following a very masculine system. By going through this program you will feel validated for who you are and you might experience this huge mindset shift that will unlock a new way of marketing for you – one that comes from within.

>> click here to read and watch Myriam's full case study.

- Myriam Martinez, Women's Mental Wellbeing Coach and Art Therapist

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I'm feeling bolder to talk about my interests in social impact

I knew Sarah would be the kind of guide that understood me and what makes sense for me as a heart-centered introverted entrepreneur. Too many marketing advisors don't get it. Sarah brings wisdom, experience, and heart to it. That's my kind of guide.

I saw some of my blindspots about trying to describe my work in a head-centered way instead of more heart-centered and holistic. I'm feeling encouraged to face being a "freak" when I talk in a more real way. For instance, I'm feeling bolder to talk about my interests in social impact.

I also am getting to look at new marketing ideas because Sarah knows about so many marketing avenues, and she always talks about them in the context of ethical marketing and I don't want to learn any other way.

- Val Nelson, Career / Business / Life Coach for introverts

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I now have a way to market myself that feels in line with my values

Sarah brought a wealth of experience, resources, and love to this course. You won't walk out with a "cookie-cutter" approach to marketing. Rather, you will be challenged and supported in creating a plan that reflects your business and your personality. At first, I thought that Marketing Like We're Human was all about the way I treat my potential clients but happily came to understand that it's also about how I treat myself - marketing in a way that is sustainable and feels in line with my values.

- Mary Linda McBride, Mindfulness Teacher

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This experience has been truly life-changing in both personal and business dimensions.

The course and the community surpassed any expectations I had. I have more confidence about marketing now and it feels like it’s gaining momentum and it’s accelerating. I infuse who I am into my LinkedIn profile, my website or my framework, and each time I feel more sure of what my voice is about and what I can achieve with it.

>> click here to read and watch Rory's full case study.

- Rory Bakke, Sustainability & ESG Advisor 

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Bringing more of myself to my business and marketing will connect me to the clients I enjoy serving most and can inspire the most.

"I feel a clarity and relief like I've never experienced before. I now understand exactly what sets me apart from others and I've discovered my authentic voice which I'll now bring more into my marketing. "  

>> click here to read and watch Katica's full case study.

- Katica Krajinovic, Data Analyst for Female Entrepreneurs

Here are some of the techniques you WON'T LEARN
in this program:

  • Accepting a LinkedIn invitation and following up with a sales pitch (don't you love getting those?)  

  • Pretending that your recorded webinar is live & welcoming thousands of ghost attendees (I often wondered if these webinar presenters are high on Redbull - so much fake energy :-)  

  • Using deceptive practices like “Only 5 spots let!” when in fact the program is far from being sold out (Oh, don't look at me; yes, I have probably used something very similar in the past!)  

  • Following a script & clearing objections on your Sales Calls & getting the prospect to say yes - even if he has to go into major debt or is not even an ideal fit for you (let's save the cookie cutting for Christmas!)  

  • Selling high-end ticket offers at outrageous prices without bringing massive value (this really upsets me, don't get me started...!)  

  • Using fear, manipulation & negative reinforcement to get people to buy (I'm telling you, there's a better way !)

What's different about this Program?

It's based on honesty, authenticity and integrity

Marketing Like We're Human aka The Client Resonator helps you find out who YOU are and what YOU want in order to resonate with clients that have the same values and therefore experience more joy in your business.

It's a completely re-modeled version of the 7P’s of Marketing, represented in the form of a Mandala, with YOU in the center so you can market from within. 

In Traditional Marketing
we chased after clients!

In Humane Marketing
we start with ourselves!

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What's included?

Here’s What You’ll Receive:

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1. Recorded video lessons

In our customer hub you get 8 video lessons with me unpacking the 7 sections of the Humane Marketing Mandala: Passion, Personal Power, People, Product, Pricing, Promotion and Partnership - and Integration.

Some of it is theory, but a lot of it is based on my experience as a sensitive entrepreneur in a tough business & marketing environment. It's important for me to model to you how it feels and what it looks like to show up authentically and connect with your clients this way, the gentle way.


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2. Workbooks

Besides the videos you'll also receive an assignment workbook for each P. This beautiful guide gives you questions, exercises and practices to prompt self-discovery and “a-ha moments” that open the possibilities for your business. A resource page is included for each week’s topic for continued learning. By completing the workbook and taking consistent action, you receive the absolute highest value for your investment in this program.


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3. Connect in between the calls

Finally, in our safe & private community on Kajabi you can get your questions answered, crowdsource feedback & interact with other participants. 

You'll also be put in touch with a fellow participant to be accountability buddies. We'll switch after the first month so you get to meet more than one person.

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4. Community to integrate

As part of this program you get access to the Humane Marketing Circle community for 2 months. This is a community of Humane Marketers who meet every month to work on the concepts of Humane Marketing, and discuss what works and what doesn't work for them.

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5. Weekly call for the group program in February 2025

During the live group program which starts on January 30th, 2025 we also come together every week, for 5 weeks, to dive deep into the content with your fellow group members. 

This 5-week live program begins on January 2025 combines the inner work with the outer work, transforming you into the person who can reach your big goal.

This is an online group program with an intimate setting, kind of like a mastermind.

The weekly calls are live but will also be recorded for participants.

The 75-minute calls take place on Thursdays at 10 am ET, 4pm CET (check time in your time zone)

Besides the live calls participants also get access to the video library covering the 7 Modules.



 (check time in your time zone) 

  • Thursday, January 30th, 2025
  • Thursday, February 6th, 2025
  • Thursday, February 13th, 2025
  • Thursday, February 20th, 2025
  • Thursday, February 27th, 2025

To experience the Marketing Like We're Human Program in Action, click here.


Plus Receive These Four Bonuses

BONUS #1: 
My LinkedIn Profile Cheat Sheet
 to shine on LinkedIn

Once you've gone through the program, follow this Cheat Sheet to give your profile a much needed upgrade. 

  • Take advantage of key LinkedIn real-estate
  • Talk to your audience directly
  • Get found in search results
  • Increase engagement that may lead to new clients
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BONUS #2: 
My About Page Cheat Sheet to bring the real you to your website

Once you've gone through the program, follow this Cheat Sheet to update your About Page and connect with your website visitors on a deeper level. Learn how to:

  • Create immediate connection with your website visitor
  • Talk about your story but without bragging
  • Get the 'wow, she really gets me' effect
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BONUS #3: 
My (Podcast) Speaker One-Sheet to get invited to share your expertise 

Once you've gone through the program, follow this Cheat Sheet to create your Speaker One-Sheet when pitching to speak on podcasts, summits, workshops, conferences etc. 

  • Impress by including value adding content
  • 3 things podcast hosts look for when getting pitched
  • Include visuals
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BONUS #4: 
A video that lets you kick back and watch me create a new Freebie / Giveaway / Bonus in 1 hour or less!

I share the resources I use and you can watch me create it in real time - and then do it yourself (because I'll share exactly how).

  • Learn how to create a new opt-in for limited effort
  • Find out how to use Private Label Rights to not start from scratch
  • Add a new way to get e-mail subscribers
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I now have a lot more confidence about what I'm doing, why I'm doing it, and the kinds of people I want to work with.

The workbooks are fantastic! I filled up a notepad with paragraphs of thoughts and ideas. For me, that was more important than I realized - I'm a hugely creative person, so my brain is running all the time. It took Sarah's promptings to pull all my ideas out of the ether and down into something coherent. Midway through the course, I started revamping my marketing content, rewriting my website, and refocusing my business. I now have a lot more confidence about what I'm doing, why I'm doing it, and the kinds of people I want to work with.

I'm absolutely recommending this course to my friends and colleagues. Sarah's 7-part mandala brings the focus back to what's most important, and what's possible in your business.

Not just the systems, but the heart that makes it all happen. Thanks Sarah!"

Dominic De Souza - Marketer, Designer, Storyteller

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I'm not sure that I would still be in business if I hadn’t found the Marketing Like We're Human program

When running your own business it’s so easy to get distracted and overwhelmed and that can cost you time, money, energy wellbeing, your health, all of it, and eventually lead to you going out of business. So in a way you have saved my business, Sarah.

- Adam Kawalec, Life & Business Coach

>> click here to read & watch Adam's full case study

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I'm now willing to try new things, even if they're scary, which has led to some amazing experiences and opportunities.

I think the depth and richness of conversations with the people in the program community, and the prompts that we all answer in our own unique ways, make this program extremely valuable. You always see yourself in other people’s problems or other people’s conversations and it makes you cherish our shared humanity. That’s been the real joy for me.

- Rachael Cumberland-Dodd, Marketer and Niche Whisperer

>> click here to read & watch Rachael's full case study

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Sarah's inside-out approach is a gift to the entrepreneurial world!

I struggled through numerous pivots in my aspiring coaching and healing business, not because I was evolving organically, but because I was continually chasing a brand new imaginary client who was struggling with yet another dreamed-up problem that didn’t truly connect for me. Many of these decisions were based on brief conversations with business mentors, or on what I thought might be in high demand from potential clients. The result? I lacked the confidence to fully launch myself into the world, because there was no soulful connection to what I was offering.

Sarah profoundly shifted this dynamic for me.

She prompted me to begin with who I am: my passions, my purpose, and the power of my personal stories. As I began to weave them together, I felt deeply grounded in what I was creating. I now feel a sense of purpose and a level of confidence that I’ve never had before. I enjoyed her training so much that I’m going to repeat it as I prepare my business for launch, so that I can align my marketing with her humane principles, and create a business on my own terms.

Sarah provides a safe and supportive environment for entrepreneurs who want to create a more soulfully-aligned business that uses marketing methods anchored in authenticity, transparency and compassion. Her humane, from-the-inside-out approach to business creation and marketing is a gift to the entrepreneurial world!

- Morgen Drasnin, Energy Worker

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My fear of marketing has significantly diminished because I now understand that it's essentially about communicating about your offering and your worldview.

You get out of it what you put into it. If you put the time and effort into this program, it really can yield some amazing results.

I no longer feel out of alignment with my marketing efforts, and I can attract clients in a way that feels genuine and fulfilling.

- Jenn McClearen, Writing & Career Coach

>> click here to read & watch Jenn's full case study

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 I re-invented myself

Sarah’s Marketing Like We're Human program was just the spark I needed to re-ignite my passion for my core business! Hiding amongst the many offerings I had as an Independent Consultant and Type Expert was the core of what excites me and the unique perspective I have to bring to the world. Sarah’s course helped me to become more clear on identifying my strengths and my core values, what I really want to do, and how I can best help and support my clients to make a more positive impact in the world.

I would not have had the courage, fortitude and resilience to forge ahead with this re-invention of my self and my consulting practice, without Sarah’s coaching and her unique perspective on marketing. If you are someone who believes in what you do but is a bit hesitant to “put yourself out there”, I highly recommend Sarah’s courses and coaching.

 - Cindy Paris, Type Practitioner

Here’s what changes when you join
Marketing Like We're Human aka The Client Resonator

When you market from within, you'll get two kinds of results:

Marketing / Business Results

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🔆You resonate with and enroll higher quality clients who happily spend their hard-earned money with you, knowing they always receive high value for their investment.


🔆You focus in on your ideal client and platform or system of choice to find and communicate with your ideal clients.


🔆You create high value in your product or service making it irresistible to your ideal clients because it speaks their language and reflects their values.


🔆You raise your prices thanks to your newly gained confidence - no more under-earning!


🔆You take the ‘less is more’ approach and stop feeling overwhelmed.


🔆You create a plan to leverage partnerships and collaboration to fuel your business growth!


Inner Fulfillment

🔆You bring More of You to your Marketing by using ethical practices that feel good to you and lead to heart-centered client enrollment.


🔆You gain confidence and foundational & strategic clarity to market your business with authenticity and make your own rules.


🔆You set clear boundaries for your time and energy and learn to prioritize what is truly important to you.


🔆You enjoy a business that is inspiring and uplifting and aligned with your truth.

🔆You reconnect with your motivation & why and truly step into your life's work.


🔆You feel the calling and step out of your shell and into visibility because you know you have something of value to share.

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YES!  I want to become a 'Client Resonator' and attract more of my ideal clients

Choose Your Favorite Level of Support

with its suggested price. I'm always open to discuss my rates.

Hybrid Program (Video Tutorials + HMC membership)

$500 (was $950)

Payment Plan available

  • 8 x 30-Minute Video Lessons unpacking each section of the Mandala
  • 8 expertly designed assignment workbooks
  • Safe & private community to ask all your questions
  • BONUS #1:
    My LinkedIn Profile Cheat Sheet to shine on LinkedIn
  • BONUS #2:
    My About Page Cheat Sheet to bring the real you to your website
  • BONUS #3:
    My (Podcast) Speaker One-Sheet to get invited to share your expertise
  • BONUS #4:
    A video that lets you kick back and watch me create a new Freebie / Giveaway / Bonus in 1 hour or less!


  • Humane Marketing Circle membership (3 months)
Book a 15-min chat with me

Hybrid Group Program (Video Tutorials + Group Calls)

$ 950 (was $1750)

Payment Plan available

  • 8 x 30-Minute Video Lessons unpacking each section of the Mandala
  • 8 expertly designed assignment workbooks
  • Safe & private community to ask all your questions
  • BONUS #1:
    My LinkedIn Profile Cheat Sheet to shine on LinkedIn
  • BONUS #2:
    My About Page Cheat Sheet to bring the real you to your website
  • BONUS #3:
    My (Podcast) Speaker One-Sheet to get invited to share your expertise
  • BONUS #4:
    A video that lets you kick back and watch me create a new Freebie / Giveaway / Bonus in 1 hour or less!


  • Humane Marketing Circle membership (3 months)
  • 9 Live Group Calls (75 minutes)
  • 1 Live silent working / coaching session (90 minutes)
  • Recordings of all the calls
Book a 15-min chat with me

VIP Program (Video Tutorials +Group Calls + One-on-One Coaching)

$3000 (was $4900)

Payment Plan available

  • 8 x 30-Minute Video Lessons unpacking each section of the Mandala
  • 8 expertly designed assignment workbooks
  • Safe & private community to ask all your questions
  • BONUS #1:
    My LinkedIn Profile Cheat Sheet to shine on LinkedIn
  • BONUS #2:
    My About Page Cheat Sheet to bring the real you to your website
  • BONUS #3:
    My (Podcast) Speaker One-Sheet to get invited to share your expertise
  • BONUS #4:
    A video that lets you kick back and watch me create a new Freebie / Giveaway / Bonus in 1 hour or less!


  • Humane Marketing Circle membership (3 months)
  • 9 Live Group Calls (75 minutes)
  • 1 Live silent working / coaching session (90 minutes)
  • Recordings of all the calls
  • 1:1 Humane Business Coaching with Sarah
    (3 months)

Done for You Bonuses:

  • Your LinkedIn Profile - Done For You! 
    (a $2000 value)
  • Your 100-Word Bio Done For You (a $1000 value)
  • Your Podcast Speaker Sheet Done For You!
    (a $750 value)

Total value: $9100

Book a 30-min chat with me
Did you skip a few sections? Click here to take the elevator back up 😊

More feedback from previous participants

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I'm taking my marketing to a whole new level of effectiveness!

Marketing Like We're Human' with Sarah Santacroce opened my eyes to a new paradigm in marketing. I realized that I spend far too much time avoiding marketing than I do inside of it. As a business owner not being highly focused on marketing and sales is the kiss of death - you simply cannot earn enough money to keep your business going without doing it. When I don’t fully show up inside of my Marketing process I am missing out on the kind of success I know the caliber and quality of my work warrants. Sarah’s course made it clear that now is the time to take my marketing to a whole new level of effectiveness. I gained confidence and a new approach for my communications that I know will bring great success in serving more of the right clients going forward.

- Leisa Peterson, Abundance Coach


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Immediate outcome: a new book! 

Marketing Like We're Human' couldn't have come at a better time for me. As one of the outcomes of this inspiring journey, a blend of business & meaning, I committed to writing another book with the title "Purpose "Driven Achievement" and asked Sarah to write the foreword ;-)

- Gary Smith, Performance Consultant & Business Coach

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I'm blown away by the quality, effort, thought and overall excellence of this program's content 

This program is exactly what I need right now. It’s been a long time since I have felt so excited, and felt so confident as well as hopeful about my path as an entrepreneur, and the importance of being around my own type of people. And I can’t believe how excited I am to do all the assignments and the heavy-lifting! Thank you Sarah!

- Tanya Raheel, Leadership & Communications Consultant


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The quality of the program, as in everything Sarah does, is excellent.

The video lessons and the course materials were all thoughtful as well as thought provoking, well planned as well as well executed.  

I feel like I’ve finally found a community of people who are dedicated to a way of marketing that aligns with your values and the belief that being your most authentic self is the path to creating a successful business. Thank you Sarah!

- Sandra Lassiter, Business & Life Coach


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Sarah's Marketing Like We're Human programme has been a revelation.

Her philosophy and expertise in doing it differently, more humane and more authentically, has been unbelievably valuable to me both personally and professionally. I’d been bending myself to fit other approaches and Sarah’s programme of personal discovery and learning a different way opened my world, reconnecting me with authenticity, alignment, clarity and confidence, to move forward and connect in a way that feels right and good.

- Barbara Ann Rogers, Complementary Therapist

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Marketing is no longer about what I do but about who I am!

Before signing up, I didn't feel like I was a part of the marketing world anymore, and I didn’t feel right about the “Being” part because I still had limiting beliefs and a lack of confidence. I was hoping to have a breakthrough, and that’s exactly what happened.

By going through the program, I found my true self. Finding my WHY, defining my core values, and writing my story, was the most challenging part, but now I‘m clear about how I will show up in my work. Doing that inner work made me feel in flow, in my zone of genius. Finally, I learned how to communicate in a way that resonates with the clients I want to serve.

On the other hand, being in a safe environment and sharing with other students who are also heart-centered is such a great benefit. Being part of this caring and non-judging community where you can show up as you are was just an incredible experience.
This program has given me a new lease on life!

Marketing is no longer about what I do but about who I am! I'm so grateful for the opportunity to learn from you.

- Anthony Kvaternik

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The depth was always within me; Marketing Like We're Human brought it to life in my communication and marketing.

The Marketing Like We're Human helped me discover my true self and a depth that was always present, but I didn't know how to access it. Connecting with that was so liberating! It will now manifest more authentically with my clients and my communication & marketing efforts.

 highly recommend the journey. It was a profound self-discovery experience, enriched by shared moments and navigating this path together with others in a small group. Sarah, you were an excellent facilitator, guiding us through this transformative journey. I’m genuinely grateful that our paths crossed, allowing us to share this impactful experience. Thank you very much.

- Lisa Foulger, Entrepreneurial Growth Coach

>> click here to read & watch Lisa's full case study

Program Outline

Here's what's covered in the 8 Program Modules:

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Module 1: Passion

New Marketing Paradigm, Passion and Definition of Integrity

As a conscious entrepreneur, being of service and making a difference is your driving force. This means that your main objective with marketing is to be of service to others all while running a successful business & making money.

  • Introduction to the New Marketing Paradigm that is based on being of service.
  • You get clarity about your WHY, so you can confidently communicate your passion to the people who you want to serve.
  • You define what ‘Integrity’ means for you & commit to always honor your word in marketing.
  • And finally you write down your intention for the coming 8 weeks & beyond.

This module sets the tone for this marketing paradigm shift that you're about to integrate and gives you the confidence and the permission to own your message and share it with the world.

🎙️ >> Click here to this 15 minute episode about the P of Passion

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Module 2: Personal Power

Define Your Unique Super Powers

Your uniqueness only fully comes to life (and to your business) once you have a deep understanding of your unique super powers.

  • We use different personality tests that reveal your natural strengths.
  • You gain confidence in who you are by telling your story, using your unique super powers.
  • You learn to set clear boundaries with your energy so you don't get overwhelmed and can stay focused on the things that really matter to you.
  • You dive deep into your fear of rejection and learn to stay in your own truth.

If you've been struggling to show up authentically or if who your true self has gotten lost over the years, then this module will lead you back to your personal power.

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Module 3: People

Find Your Tribe

You don’t need to be liked by everyone; you just need to resonate with your kind of people. So let’s work on finding out who and where they are. How do they think? What do they wear? Which Youtube channel do they watch? Which books do they read? What language do they use? Do they have the same values as you?

  • We do a thorough analysis of your ideal client, a true client psychology exercise. 
  • We go way beyond the 'client avatar' to understand your client's feelings and emotions and why they buy. 
  • We go beyond simple demographics and discover the psychodemographic spending habits of your ideal client.
  • We apply their ‘secret language’ to your communication strategy in order to attract like-minded clients and get sales with ease.
  • And finally you update your About Page, your LinkedIn Profile, your Author Bio and other outlets with your story to showcase your expertise with the new confidence and courage of a gentle leader.

This is not your typical 'Who Is Your Ideal Client' exercise you can find online. We go deep into consumer psychology to create this immediate human connection with your ideal clients - your tribe. Participants have mentioned that this is THE most complete client research they've ever done.

Watch this short video with Adam Kawalec, past participant, explaining the importance of the 3 first modules

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Module 4: Product

Build a Product or Service Your People Love

This is where we build a product or service that is so good, so compelling, so unique that people simply will want to buy.

  • You define the value that you offer to your client - tangible and intangible value
  • Together we review your Products & Service descriptions to ensure they align with your ideal client and your values.
  • Update your Sales Pages to reflect your unique personality & super powers (with the help of the Gentle Sales Copy Framework 1-Pager).
  • Use language that your ideal clients 'get'.
  • And finally, we create ways to get away from the 'time for money' model and create other income streams to help you grow a sustainable business.

In this module we bring it all together - your WHY, your values, your super powers, your story, your ideal client's values & language - and position your service or product as the go-to solution for your clients’ problems.

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Module 5: Pricing

Money, Financial Integrity and Gentle Sales Conversations

We reveal different ways of pricing your services & products following the guidelines of the Humane Business Paradigm, a win-win that is about serving your community while making money. That's Financial Integrity.

  • We see where your thoughts about money and marketing might be influencing your abundance.
  • We take an emotional deep dive into your money story so you can let go of limiting beliefs around money.
  • You give yourself permission to make good money and transition to Pro-Pricing by identifying your worth.
  • We then design your Gentle Sales Path and learn to have Gentle Sales Conversations with our newly gained confidence in our worth. 

In this module we openly talk about money so that you feel confident and empowered with money and pricing.


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Module 6: Promotion

Communicate With Confidence & Vulnerability

By consciously marketing from the inside out, the promotional activity becomes almost effortless. This is where ‘daring to be different’ with vulnerability and authenticity is so essential.

  • You pick your main platform(s) and be clear about your communication style for your business.
  • I share my tried and true tricks for showing up with confidence on video, webinars and any written communication.
  • You learn to be effective with the 'less is more' approach.

After this module you will be able to pick those marketing & promotion strategies that are aligned with who you are, and create a Holistic Marketing Plan going forward.

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Module 7: Partnership

It takes a village... to build a business

Isolation can leave you feeling anxious, lonely or second-guessing your business moves! As conscious marketers we believe in collaboration and make relationship building a priority in our business and marketing model.

  • We explore the different types of partnerships available to you, where to find them and how to bond with them.
  • We create new partnership habits that not only help you build a successful business but also make you feel more connected and less alone.

This module helps your realize the importance of collaboration and make a plan to build your business by creating powerful partnerships with others.

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I love that the Latin root of the word integrate is integrare, “to make whole.” You are now ready to truly make a difference and reach more people whose lives you want to touch deeply.

No matter where you’re at, you are enough.

You belong.
You can find your people.
You can get results and enjoy the process !

Watch the video below where I give you an in-depth overview of the program (17-min ;-)

To experience the Marketing Like We're Human Program in Action, click here.


Recap of What's Included

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Here is everything you'll receive when you sign up:

  1. Online training: Access to a beautiful and easy-to-use customer hub where you find the video library - 8 video modules, averaging 30 minutes in length each

  2. Assignment / workbook for each module, averaging 10 pages per module, with lots of self-reflection exercises (and a creative Mandala coloring page)

  3. Access to the private Kajabi community platform to ask all your questions

  4. Community to integrate: you also get access to the Humane Marketing Circle community for 3 months! This is a community of Humane Marketers who meet every month to work on the concepts of Humane Marketing, and discuss what works and what doesn't work for them.

  5. For the group program that starts on January 30th, 2025: One weekly group Zoom call over 5 weeks


Plus receive the following four special bonuses:


Bonus #1: My LinkedIn Profile Cheat Sheet to update your LinkedIn Profile 

Bonus #2: My About Page Cheat Sheet to bring the real you to your website

Bonus #3: My Podcast Speaker One-Sheet to get invited to share your expertise on podcasts

Bonus #4: A video that lets you kick back and watch me create a new Freebie / Giveaway / Bonus such as the 'Community Growing Challenge' above within 1 hour or less! I'm not overpromising! I share the resources I use and you can watch me create it in real time - and then do it yourself (because I'll share exactly how).

YES!  I want to become a 'Client Resonator' and attract more of my ideal clients

Choose Your Favorite Level of Support

with its suggested price. I'm always open to discuss my rates.

Hybrid Program (Video Tutorials + HMC membership)

$500 (was $950)

Humane Payment Plan available

  • 8 x 30-Minute Video Lessons unpacking each section of the Mandala
  • 8 expertly designed assignment workbooks
  • Safe & private community to ask all your questions
  • BONUS #1:
    My LinkedIn Profile Cheat Sheet to shine on LinkedIn
  • BONUS #2:
    My About Page Cheat Sheet to bring the real you to your website
  • BONUS #3:
    My (Podcast) Speaker One-Sheet to get invited to share your expertise
  • BONUS #4:
    A video that lets you kick back and watch me create a new Freebie / Giveaway / Bonus in 1 hour or less!


  • Humane Marketing Circle membership (3 months)
Book a 15-min chat with me

Hybrid Group Program (Video Tutorials + Group Calls)

$ 950 (was $1750)

Humane Payment Plan available

  • 8 x 30-Minute Video Lessons unpacking each section of the Mandala
  • 8 expertly designed assignment workbooks
  • Safe & private community to ask all your questions
  • BONUS #1:
    My LinkedIn Profile Cheat Sheet to shine on LinkedIn
  • BONUS #2:
    My About Page Cheat Sheet to bring the real you to your website
  • BONUS #3:
    My (Podcast) Speaker One-Sheet to get invited to share your expertise
  • BONUS #4:
    A video that lets you kick back and watch me create a new Freebie / Giveaway / Bonus in 1 hour or less!


  • Humane Marketing Circle membership (3 months)
  • 9 Live Group Calls (75 minutes)
  • 1 Live silent working / coaching session (90 minutes)
  • Recordings of all the calls
Book a 15-min chat with me

VIP Program (Video Tutorials +Group Calls + One-on-One Coaching)

$3000 (was $4900)

Humane Payment Plan available

  • 8 x 30-Minute Video Lessons unpacking each section of the Mandala
  • 8 expertly designed assignment workbooks
  • Safe & private community to ask all your questions
  • BONUS #1:
    My LinkedIn Profile Cheat Sheet to shine on LinkedIn
  • BONUS #2:
    My About Page Cheat Sheet to bring the real you to your website
  • BONUS #3:
    My (Podcast) Speaker One-Sheet to get invited to share your expertise
  • BONUS #4:
    A video that lets you kick back and watch me create a new Freebie / Giveaway / Bonus in 1 hour or less!


  • Humane Marketing Circle membership (3 months)
  • 9 Live Group Calls (75 minutes)
  • 1 Live silent working / coaching session (90 minutes)
  • Recordings of all the calls
  • 1:1 Humane Business Coaching with Sarah
    (3 months)

Done for You Bonuses:

  • Your LinkedIn Profile - Done For You! 
    (a $2000 value)
  • Your 100-Word Bio Done For You (a $1000 value)
  • Your Podcast Speaker Sheet Done For You!
    (a $750 value)

Total value: $9100

Book a 30-min chat with me
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Whether you are just starting out or have been in business for a while, this program will help you:


  • Finally understand your 'niche' and your ideal client (and get more of them!)

  • Get clear about the platforms where you'll show up for your clients with consistency 

  • Find the true rapport and transparent communication that makes selling truly pleasurable for both you and your clients

  • Double your prices because you now understand your true value

  • Become the person who can reach bigger goals, whatever they are

I know this is one of the best marketing programs for quietly rebellious and heart-centered entrepreneurs out there.

🔆 Because it takes you into account, and helps you grow your business your way!

🔆 Because this is the only program of its kind, as far as I know, that is focused on marketing your business with ethical practices, without using six-figure hype, manipulative techniques or other sleazy sales strategies.

🔆 Because it's based on my 15+ years of running and marketing an online LinkedIn consulting business, attending countless marketing programs (name me one, I've most likely taken it) immersing myself in the world of Personal Development. 

🔆 Because this is a program that helps you BE more and DO less.

🔆 Because we are now in the ‘H2H’, human to human age, an era where people are searching for higher meaning and a real authentic connection.

🔆 Because when you market from within, it's easy to promote your offering authentically and communicate with integrity, kindness and true care.

You wouldn't be reading this far if the cookie-cutter approach was still working for you.

If this resonates, reserve your seat now or get on a call to confirm that this is the right investment at the right time for you!



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Why now?

If you've read this far, then your intuition is probably telling you that this feels right.

"If only..." You ever say this to yourself? Or: "I wish I'd done this earlier".

If you've spent a good 30 minutes on this page, watched my video, read all the testimonials, maybe read either Marketing Like We're Human or Selling Like We're Human, listened to The Humane Marketing podcast, then your right brain has made the decision already :-) 

So here's what you can say to your left brain:

"Dear left brain, yes, I know your job is to keep me safe and right now it maybe doesn't feel safe to make this investment. But I've seen Sarah's work, she's the real thing, she knows what she's doing. She wants the best for me. 

And... you know that sometimes we need to take a leap - and invest in ourselves. And Sarah's fee is reasonable. She's offering real value and I'll be able to really work on my business and resonate with my ideal clients. 

I know you're just trying to keep me safe. But I got this" 

There. It's up to you now to take action, so that 6 months from now you'll be delighted you did!

To experience the Marketing Like We're Human Program in Action, click here.


How is this program different from the Humane Marketing Circle?

Watch this short video where Adam and I explain the difference between the Circle and this program. 

Say NO to:

❌ Procrastination
❌ Marketing overwhelm 
❌ Comparitis
❌ More free webinars which only lead to more marketing anxiety

And YES to:

✅ Clarity about your offering and how to communicate about it
✅ Resonating with more of YOUR ideal clients (translation: more revenue)
✅ Raising your prices and going from making a living to making a life!
✅ Enjoying your business that is aligned with your truth
✅ Being part of something bigger: the Humane Marketing Revolution!

Who is this not a good fit for?

No hard feelings, I just want to help you make the right decision and make sure this is money well spent for you. 

Other programs will serve you better if you: 

  • Have a very specific marketing need (Facebook ads, listbuilding, webinars, create a podcast, create an online course etc.). This is a 'big picture' program in which you won't get technical instructions on specific marketing platforms. However, too often entrepreneurs skip the 'big picture' and then end in a vicious cycle of trying to 'do more'. Just sayin' ;-)
  • Resonate with the hustle mentality. This program believes in the 'slower but sustainable' approach. 
  • Don't believe in doing some inner work in order to become the person who can reach bigger goals. This program is a fusion between Personal Development, Marketing & Business :-)



This program goes deep into your story, your upbringing, your values and your worldview. Depending on your story, this might bring up old, unprocessed emotions. It sure did for me and several other participants. Because these risks exist, I advise against signing up if you have a pre-existing mental health condition that may result in undue emotional risk. If you choose to participate, you do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks associated with such activities. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

YES!  I want to become a 'Client Resonator' and attract more of my ideal clients

Choose Your Favorite Level of Support

with its suggested price. I'm always open to discuss my rates.

Hybrid Program (Video Tutorials + HMC membership)

$500 (was $950)

Humane Payment Plan available

  • 8 x 30-Minute Video Lessons unpacking each section of the Mandala
  • 8 expertly designed assignment workbooks
  • Safe & private community to ask all your questions
  • BONUS #1:
    My LinkedIn Profile Cheat Sheet to shine on LinkedIn
  • BONUS #2:
    My About Page Cheat Sheet to bring the real you to your website
  • BONUS #3:
    My (Podcast) Speaker One-Sheet to get invited to share your expertise
  • BONUS #4:
    A video that lets you kick back and watch me create a new Freebie / Giveaway / Bonus in 1 hour or less!


  • Humane Marketing Circle membership (3 months)
Book a 15-min chat with me

Hybrid Group Program (Video Tutorials + Group Calls)

$ 950 (was $1750)

Humane Payment Plan available

  • 8 x 30-Minute Video Lessons unpacking each section of the Mandala
  • 8 expertly designed assignment workbooks
  • Safe & private community to ask all your questions
  • BONUS #1:
    My LinkedIn Profile Cheat Sheet to shine on LinkedIn
  • BONUS #2:
    My About Page Cheat Sheet to bring the real you to your website
  • BONUS #3:
    My (Podcast) Speaker One-Sheet to get invited to share your expertise
  • BONUS #4:
    A video that lets you kick back and watch me create a new Freebie / Giveaway / Bonus in 1 hour or less!


  • Humane Marketing Circle membership (3 months)
  • 9 Live Group Calls (75 minutes)
  • 1 Live silent working / coaching session (90 minutes)
  • Recordings of all the calls
Book a 15-min chat with me

VIP Program (Video Tutorials +Group Calls + One-on-One Coaching)

$3000 (was $4900)

Humane Payment Plan available

  • 8 x 30-Minute Video Lessons unpacking each section of the Mandala
  • 8 expertly designed assignment workbooks
  • Safe & private community to ask all your questions
  • BONUS #1:
    My LinkedIn Profile Cheat Sheet to shine on LinkedIn
  • BONUS #2:
    My About Page Cheat Sheet to bring the real you to your website
  • BONUS #3:
    My (Podcast) Speaker One-Sheet to get invited to share your expertise
  • BONUS #4:
    A video that lets you kick back and watch me create a new Freebie / Giveaway / Bonus in 1 hour or less!


  • Humane Marketing Circle membership (3 months)
  • 9 Live Group Calls (75 minutes)
  • 1 Live silent working / coaching session (90 minutes)
  • Recordings of all the calls
  • 1:1 Humane Business Coaching with Sarah
    (3 months)

Done for You Bonuses:

  • Your LinkedIn Profile - Done For You! 
    (a $2000 value)
  • Your 100-Word Bio Done For You (a $1000 value)
  • Your Podcast Speaker Sheet Done For You!
    (a $750 value)

Total value: $9100

Book a 30-min chat with me
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