Heart-centered business owners are eager to run their businesses and marketing from a place of smart generosity.
From abundance, not scarcity. From real, community-changing passion that gets back to the basics of trust, meaning, and purpose.
It is a revolution pushing up through the cracks of the conventional business world.
A Gentle Revolution.
Imagine what would happen—for us, for our clients, and for the world – if we would use more kindness & empathy in our business and marketing? Inclusion instead of exclusion. All while using today’s technology to our advantage, in order to make a bigger impact.
Here is the Potential for the Future:
- A world where joy, empathy and kindness are the business currency
- A world where marketing fosters a sense of belonging, not isolation
- A world that focuses on the human connection (all while using modern technology)
- A world where business is about making the world a better place
- A world where entrepreneurs who use ethical marketing are the ones that not only make the biggest impact; they also make the most money

Together we can make it happen.
But we need a gentle revolution.
You see, here's what's happening in the world of Online Business and Marketing right now: Instead of using this incredible platform that we call the internet to make the world a better place, it is being abused. It’s contributing to an ever growing feeling of isolation and anxiety - on a global level.
So I’m asking you to raise your hand and join me. To be part of this revolution and help bring more kindness and empathy to business.
Below are three different ways to participate in the Gentle Business Revolution.
Consider it your invitation to belong to a movement of people who do business the gentle way and disrupt the current marketing paradigm.:
- The Gentle Business Manifesto which you can instantly download below. No opt-in!
- The Gentle Business Revolution podcast. Conversations with other Gentle Marketers. Subscribe below
- The Gentle Marketing Revolution book: A Radical Business Approach to Get New Clients with Integrity & Kindness. Available on Amazon.
Who started the revolution?

Sarah Santacroce is an internationally recognized LinkedIn Consultant, entrepreneur, podcaster, ‘Hippie turned Business Coach’ and the Founder of the Gentle Business Revolution.
In addition to her LinkedIn expertise, Sarah is known for helping fellow introverts market their business authentically & anxiety-free, sell their services & make a difference. She’s also the host of the ‘Gentle Business Revolution’ podcast where she has conversations that aim to disrupt the current marketing paradigm and bring more empathy and kindness to the business world. Sarah has interviewed influential entrepreneurs including Dorie Clark, Mark Schaefer, Jason Swenk, Milana Leshinsky and Denise Wakeman to name a few.
Sarah’s upbringing and life’s experiences inspired a yearning to create a global movement that encourages people to bring more empathy and kindness to the business world, live a more meaningful life and take care of our mother earth and each other. Gentle Marketing is an integral part of The Gentle Business Revolution movement.
She lives in beautiful Switzerland where she was born and raised, but considers herself an alternative thinking citizen of this world. When she’s not working she loves adventure and traveling (ask her about her alter ego in Sicily), yoga and nature walks or hanging out with her 3 boys (a husband and two teenage sons).
Her main site is sarahsantacroce.com